
Somehow, we seem to have arrived in 2021. Here in the UK we’re in Lockdown again for a third time, oh joy!

Unlike my overachiever and moderately high achieving friends, I have done nothing with my time. Really, nothing. I have my reasons, which are all perfectly legitimate, but I’ve been a little (spectacular understatement) frustrated with myself and my circumstances.

Prior to that, I dropped out of both my OU courses due to ill health, deferring them until ‘next year’, which would be now, except that I have heard nothing further from the OU, so I’m not quite sure what is happening there. I have to admit to having no burning desire to return to those courses which, frankly, put me off teaching in State schools for all eternity.

The only thing I have re-started, working very, very slowly through is my Vegan and Vegetarian Nutritionist course through the ‘Centre of Excellence’. Since Nutritionist is not a protected term in the UK (unlike Dietician), I could if I wished set myself up as a Nutritionist. Do I want to do that? I don’t know, that sounds dangerously like an achievement. (In truth: yes, of course, I would like to set myself up as something, anything, and stop being an underachiever. But I have discovered over the last year particularly that one particularly strong aspect of my personality is a self-sabotaging streak. How inconvenient.)

I have a number of other courses lined up, and if I can ever get my act together, I will tell you about them as I go.

What are you studying this year?

What holds you back?

I’d love to hear from you.